Join the American Scary affiliate program!

Support the film and make money at the same time! If you have a website, blog, or email list, you are eligible to join the American Scary affiliate program. By placing a special code and banner ad on your website, you can earn 12.5% of all DVD sales that come through your website directly to the distributor, Cinema Libre Studio. Payments are made through PayPal on IndieClix.

To join the program, start by filling out this form.

After you are registered, you will receive an email from IndieClix with your account's password. (If you don't receive it, check your spam folder).

1. Log in to your account at
2. Click on "Get Links"
3. Choose a banner size (and click on "Get Code" under the "Actions" column)
4. Copy & paste the HTML or JavaScript code to your website, blog, or email blast.

It's that easy! Payments will be made automatically through IndieClix and into your PayPal account.

If you have any questions, please email Lindsey Salls at