Star Wars PocketModel TCG

In late 2006, I was approached by WizKids to provide some artwork for their new Star Wars trading card/minatures game, now dubbed the Star Wars PocketModel TCG. I had done some work for them previously on another Star Wars game proposal several years ago that didn't pan out, and I had continued to freelance for them on the Pirates, Crimson Skies, Zypods, and Mechwarrior projects.

This new game is similar to their popular Pirates line of games, where ship miniatures are printed in pieces on styrene cards which players can assemble into fleets. WizKids needed Star Wars ship art, which is where I came in. I was provided with many of the actual digital models from ILM/Lucasfilm, but they were provided with no textures. I had to go in and retexture these models, based on reference images provided by Lucasfilm...
Untextured Jedi starfighter
and then render out multiple views of each ship and its component pieces to provide all the necessary views for the styrene pieces.
Jedi starfighter multiple angles
The final game piece looks like this:
Jedi Starfighter TCG miniature

I did this for nearly 20 ships for the initial release of the game, with another 40 over the next year for additional releases. Here are some samples...
Shuttle Tyderium Jedi starfighter Medical frigate Republic gunship
Episode II Jedi starfighter Dash Rendar's Outrider Slave I Rebel snowspeeder

Star Wars PocketModel TCG
You can find out more about the game by clicking the logo below...
Star Wars TCG at WizKids

Artwork by John E. Hudgens
© 2007 WizKids Inc. All rights reserved. PocketModel and WizKids are trademark of WizKids Inc. © 2007 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved.

Updated: May 1, 2011